Sri Shirdi Sai Seva Trust
Spirituality does not mean sitting closing one's ears, eyes and mouth to the sufferings of fellow human beings but in lending a helping hand to such persons in distress to the extent of ones ability for solving their difficulties or at least helping them to reach the person or the way to such person who can mitigate their sufferings is the real essence of Spirituality.Of what use it would be to tell about detachment from worldly objects to those who are in difficulties and sufferings? Sai Baba told - "I will fulfil, any wish, even with difficulty, of those who come to me". As a result, their mind consoled, they would then be able to tread the path of spirituality.
Shri VV Poorna Chandra Rao
[ Founder & Chairman of Sri Shridi Sai Seva Trust and Editor ,Sri Bharadwaja Sadguru Vani ]
With an ardent desire to share with one and all, the results of his painstaking research spanning twelve years, about the embodiment of the "Perfect Teacher", Acharya Ekkirala Bhardwaja, extolled as the "Son of Sai", by many a great Souls, by organising religious and devotional congregations, for the spread of the "Sai Cult", he has transformed innumerable hearts into veritable abodes of Sai and with the fervour and enthusiasm of such devotees built many Temples for SAI.
The seeds for the spread of the "SAI" cult in Ukkunagaram, in the path shown by the most worshipful Teacher, Sri Ekkirala Bhardwaja, who preached spirituality by setting a personal example, were sown in the year 1991, with the formation of the "Sri Shirdi Sai Seva Sangham" at Qr. No. 206/A Sector-8, Ukkunagaram, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, with an initial membership of four devotees under the initiative of Sri V.V. Poorna Chandra Rao. Over the last decade, with the blessings of Sai Master, Sri Shirdi Sai Seva Sangham, has widened its sphere of activity in spreading the message of 'SAI' by organising not only Spiritual meetings, discourses by eminent speakers, functions associated with great Souls and Saints, National festivities and "Anna-danam" i.e. distribution of food to the destitute and hungry, but by also organising service activities, not only in and around Ukkunagaram but also in remote villages of Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, Krishna & Khamam Districts. With the blessings of the Sai Master, the Sai Seva Sangham transformed itself as the Sri Shirdi Sai Seva Trust, with its Founder cum Chairman as Shri VV Poorna Chandra Rao.
Not only spiritual meetings were organized, but also birth days of greatmen, . Independence Day, & Republic Day were also celebrated Prasad distribution was made on such great occasions. The activities were not limited to Ukkunagaram alone, but they were celebrated even in remote villages of Visakhapatnam, Krishna, Khammam Dists. Afterwards the Sangh was renamed as "Sri Shirdi Sai Seva Trust" and with the blessings of Sai Master, it has completed 10 years of service and entering into a new era. Following is the future course of action :
(1) Organising religious programmes :
With a view to widely propagate "Sai Leelamruta", holding spirirual meetings, celebrating birth days of great people will be undertaken in Ukkunagaram. Subsidiaries in the name of "Sai Master Satsang Mandal in Jamadala village in Vizianagaram Dist; "Sri Shirdi Sai Seva Sangham" in VTPS at Ibrahimpatnam in Krishna Dist. will also be established and "Sai Baba's" Teachings will be propagated in every nook and corner in these villages. Photos of Sai Baba and his literature containing Sai Baba's spiritual teachings will be distributed in 30 villages. Thereby thousands of devotees will be lead on Sai Path - a Truthful Way of Life. Depite difficulties, we could organize State-wide Sai Devotee Gatherings twice in Ukkunagaram. The Trust became instrumental in inspiring them to choose Sai - as a way of life.
(2) Educational and Devotional Programmes :
With a view to encourage present day student community and to make them as good citizens, Trust is distributing books and dresses to poor and needy. With a view to promote educational upliftment, Mass "Akshrabyas" ceremonies were undertaken and educational aids were distributed..
(3) Construction activities :
As a result of spark of devotion from the inner cores of hears of devotees, Sai Mandirs are being constructed. Sai Baba Mandir construction in Ukkunagaram is in progress in the site ear-marked for the purpose by VSP. Under the guidance and advance of the Construction Committee, 4 more Sai Mandirs are under construction in 4 villages. Advice and suggestions are offered for their maintenance by the respective executive bodies.
(4) Medical Aid :
To Serve Human is to Serve God With this motto in mind, plans are on anvil to provide free medical aid to poor and needy by the Trust.
(5) Propagation of Sai philosophy :
In the foot steps of respected Sri Bhardwaj, who has believed in heart and soul to spread Sai Baba's Message as his way of life, Sadguru Vani - a quarterly magazine published by Bhardwaj Publication is made available in every nook and corner of A.P. Trust is instrumental in propagating the message. Trust Members are not only conducting devotional programmes, but also spreading the message of Sai Spiritual path in every nook and corner. So far, the Trust is maintained through voluntary constributions from devotees. In the coming days, Sri Shirdi Sai Seva Trust likes to intensify its devotional activities. It intends to set to pursue a specific action plan for enrolment of more devotees to serve in spreading Saipath. All the devotees are invited to take membership for the noble cause. We convey our gratitude to Sai master who has been contributing his might for the past 10 years and rests cooperation and coordination of one and all for the purpose.
Shri Shirdi Sai Seva Trust